
TCC 金融援助 2023-24 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy 

Financial aid recipients are expected to make satisfactory academic progress toward 他们的学习计划:

  • 维持季度2.累积平均绩点(平均绩点)
  • Successfully completing all the credits for which they 接受援助
  • Registering for classes that are required for their program of study

Credits and 平均绩点 are reviewed at the end of each quarter. 课程被视为成功 完成时,学生获得的成绩为 A, b, c, d or S (只要季度平均绩点达到2分.0). 成绩为 E, u, i, n or W 会不会被视为完成.


学生每季度的累积平均绩点必须达到2分.每季度都有0或更高 接受援助.

学生 must be in good academic standing with the college.


学生 are also expected to complete the credits for which they 接受援助:



您将被置于警告 如果您只完成:

Your 金融援助 will be SUSPENDED if you complete less than:

全职 (12学分或以上) 每季度12学分 每季度6 - 11学分 每季度6学分

3 / 4时间 (9 -11学分)

每季度9学分 每季度5 - 8学分 每季度5学分
一半的时间 (6 - 8学分) 每季度6学分 每季度3 - 5学分 每季度3学分
不到半场时间 (1 - 5学分) 每季度所有学分 不适用 每季度所有学分

Pace of Progression is another quantitative requirement. 这就是完成的能力 the program study within the maximum time frame (see below).



学生有资格获得资助. 然后要求学生成功完成 the credits for which they 接受援助 the following quarter and achieve a 2.0的季度 平均绩点. 不遵守规定的学生将被停学. 


学生 on suspension are not eligible to receive 金融援助. 经历过 情有可原的情况可以上诉. 见下文. 不成功的学生 完成任何学分 可以 根据联邦和州的规定,还钱.  这是他们最后一天的数据 出席的,由他们的导师报告的出席的.  财政援助办公室将决定 如有欠费,通知学生.


学生 on probation have had a 金融援助 悬架 Appeal approved and are expected to successfully complete all credits with a 平均绩点 of 2.满足任何特殊的 可能已经收到的条件.


学生 were placed on suspension can appeal if they experienced extenuating circumstances (circumstances beyond their control, such as serious illness or injury, 等.). An appeal form (available through the student portal) with appropriate documentation (as appropriate) must be submitted to the 金融援助 office. 学生必须提供 a written explanation of the extenuating circumstance and also must identify the changes 他们为确保将来的成功而作出了努力. 财政援助上诉委员会将进行审查 written appeals to determine whether to grant or deny the appeal. 学生只能提出两次申诉. Specifically, up to 2 appeals while in an Associate Degree or 金融援助 eligible certificate program, and up to two appeals while in a BAS program.

学生 are on 金融援助 悬架 and did not have extenuating circumstances 可以 be considered for reinstatement of aid if they pay for (using their own resources) and successfully complete a minimum of 5 credits that apply to their degree program. Upon completion of these credits, the student must request reinstatement of aid in 写作. 学生 must also submit an educational plan, developed with the assistance of their academic advisor, with their reinstatement request.

学生 have exhausted the two appeal limit can request reinstatement of aid once they pay for enough credits required for their degree program (using their own resources) to meet satisfactory academic progress requirements (raise their cumulative 平均绩点达到2.0 and ensure pace of progression requirements are being met). 学生 are encouraged to speak with the 金融援助 Office for specific requirements for 他们的个人情况.

Aid is subject to the availability of funds for each of the above


A student is no longer eligible for aid at TCC when he or she has:

  • Failed to achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.在TCC工作了6个季度之后
  • Received aid for the maximum number of credits allowed for the program of study
  • 获得了两个研究项目的资助.
  • Two consecutive quarters on warning or a total of three non consecutive quarters on 警告等于停学
  • 如果第三次被勒令停学
  • 被勒令休学
  • 这个学生欠偿还经济援助


TCC will fund up to 125% of the number of credits required for a certificate or degree. For example, if a TCC degree normally requires 90 college level credits to graduate, TCC将资助最多113个学分. 学生可以申请最高150%的学费 需要信用.

All credits, regardless of whether they were taken while on 金融援助, or credits removed under the Academic Forgiveness policy (that count toward the program of study) are used in calculating the maximum number of credits to be funded. 转移学分 from other colleges that are accepted for use towards the TCC certificate or degree 也会被计算在内. 任何例外情况将视具体情况而定.


学生 are allowed up to 45 remedial credits (courses numbered below 100) in addition to the maximum number of college level credits allowed for their program. 当时 of annual awarding a review of remedial credits will be made. 超过标准的学生 45 credits and are not progressing towards their degree will lose eligibility for 辅助100级以下的职业. 英语二级学分课程 Language (ESL) are not counted as part of the 45 development credits, if taken to prepare for entry into an eligible certificate or program. 希望参加ESL课程 按时完成:按时完成.

A student must be working toward an eligible TCC 学位或证书 to receive 金融援助. Aid will end once a student has completed all requirements for the 学位或证书. TCC将资助一个副学士学位. 学生可提出申请 申请第二学位的助学金. 第二阶段的援助将会受到限制 only for those specific courses required to complete the second degree. 学生 have already acquired a bachelor degree 可以 be eligible for limited funds.


学生 have attended TCC 6 or more quarters must have a 2.累积绩点00, regardless of their enrollment levels and whether or not they received aid during 这段时间. This is reviewed at the time of awarding and whenever a student is placed 在悬架.

The Satisfactory Academic Progress policy is subject to change.